IT Security

Network Security

Network security is very important, you need to implement safety measures. Your business might be using a server to operate, shared network resources and sensitive employee information. All these and more are examples of things your business needs to protect. Here are a few of the services 

IT Hardware Security

Did you know that your employees could damage and replace your IT Assets with inferior imitations? We could manage your assets for you, any IT Hardware that is placed under our control will be marked and regularly maintained and updated as per your company regulations

Information Security

Information is a very valuable asset in your business. Digitally it can be stollen and abused to the detriment of your business hence we at Blackhat Solutions come in to assist on making sure threat actors do not take advantage of your security flaws.

How are we qualified to look after your security?

We have working professionals who are Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH). Computer security is one of our strongest proficiencies. Every year our team gets to learn, adapt and overcome new challenges that the IT world brings and this ensures us that we are always ready.